
Gain Stronger Bones Through Weight Bearing & Resistance Exercise

Introduction to Exercise for Strong Bones

Having strong bones is an essential part of our overall health and well-being. Regular exercise can help maintain strong bones, as well as prevent many serious bone-related health issues. This guide will explain the importance of both weight-bearing and resistance training exercises when it comes to bone health.

Weight-bearing exercises are activities that put your body’s weight onto your bones. These can be high-impact activities such as jogging, racquet sports, or jumping, or low-impact exercises such as walking, stair climbing, and dancing. Resistance training targets specific muscles with a weighted load. This helps to strengthen and tone the muscle, which also helps to improve bone density.

In this guide, we will learn about the different types of weight-bearing and resistance exercises, how they can benefit our bone health, and how to combine them into a healthy workout routine.

Overview of Bone Health

Bone health is a term that describes the overall strength and health of your bones. Our bones make up our skeletal structure, and give us our shape. They also provide support for our muscles, so that we can move and function properly. Maintaining strong and healthy bones throughout your life is crucial for overall well-being.

It’s especially important for older adults to keep their bones strong and healthy, as bone density tends to decline with age. Weak bones can lead to falls, fractures, and a wide variety of other health issues. By exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and taking the right vitamins, you can prevent bone deterioration and keep your bones as healthy as possible.

Common Bone Health Issues

Poor bone health can lead to various issues that hinder our daily lives. Some of the most common problems associated with poor bone health are fractures, osteoporosis, and arthritis.


Fractures can occur when a bone has been weakened, due to a lack of exercise or calcium. It can be painful to experience, and take a long time to heal. In severe cases, surgery may be required.


Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become brittle and porous, often as a result of age. This can cause increased risk of fracturing, and can lead to an increase in height loss.


Arthritis is another condition that can be linked to poor bone health. This occurs when the joints become swollen and painful, making everyday activities difficult. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis.

Weight-Bearing Exercise

Weight-bearing exercise involves activities that involve the body working against gravity. Examples of this include walking, jogging, stair climbing, and dancing. This type of exercise is beneficial for people who want to increase their bone density and maintain strong bones. Weight-bearing exercise puts force on the bones, which stimulates them to become stronger and absorb the impact better.

These types of exercises can help reduce the risk of bone diseases, such as osteoporosis, by helping the body build more bone mass over time. Additionally, weight-bearing exercises can improve balance, coordination, and muscle strength, resulting in more confidence in everyday activities and a lower risk of falls.

Resistance Training Overview

Resistance training is a type of exercise which involves using different kinds of equipment to apply resistance to the muscles, allowing them to work against the force of gravity or another type of weight. This helps to increase strength and build lean muscle mass. Resistance training is an ideal way to keep your bones strong as it helps to improve balance, posture, and coordination while helping to prevent the risk of injury. Additionally, resistance training helps to increase bone mineral density, which is essential for good bone health.

When engaging in resistance training, it’s important to start with light weights and gradually increase the amount of weight used. As you become stronger, you can increase the challenge by adding more sets, increasing the number of repetitions, or using heavier weights. It is also important to take regular breaks and ensure you are pacing yourself throughout the workout.

Resistance Training Equipment

Resistance training is an effective exercise for stronger and healthier bones, and the range of equipment available makes it easier than ever to incorporate into your fitness routine. The specific equipment used for resistance training will depend on the type of exercises you want to do, but here are some examples of popular items:

  • Free Weights – These are weights that are not attached to a machine, usually in the form of dumbbells and barbells.
  • Weight Machines – These are designed for specific exercises like chest presses or squats, and come with a variety of safety features.
  • Resistance Bands – These are stretchable bands that come in different levels of resistance, providing effective and safe exercises.
  • Body-Weight Exercises – These involve utilizing your own body weight to do push-ups or planks, for example.

Each type of resistance training equipment has its own unique benefits that can help strengthen bones and improve overall fitness. Free weights allow for greater freedom and variation of exercises, while weight machines may be best for people who are just starting out and need some guidance. Resistance bands are ideal for working out at home and require little space. Finally, body-weight exercises don’t require any additional equipment, making them extremely accessible and practical.

Keeping these different types of equipment in mind when putting together a plan for exercise can help ensure a well-rounded and effective routine for stronger bones.

Sample Resistance Training Programs

Resistance training is a great way to improve your overall fitness and strengthen bones at the same time. There are lots of different types of resistance training, each providing its own unique benefits. Here are a few examples of resistance training programs that you can incorporate into your fitness routine:

  • Bodyweight Exercises: Bodyweight exercises use only your body’s weight as resistance. Some popular bodyweight exercises include squats, push-ups, and lunges. These are great for strengthening muscles and bones while also improving balance and coordination.
  • Free Weights: Free weights such as dumbbells and barbells are great for adding extra resistance. You can do any type of exercise with free weights, from bicep curls to chest presses. Free weights are a great option for anyone looking to increase the intensity of their workout.
  • Resistance Bands: Resistance bands are a great tool for providing resistance without the use of weights. They come in a variety of levels of resistance, making them perfect for beginners or more experienced lifters. Resistance bands are easy to store and provide a great full-body workout.
  • Weight Machines: Weight machines offer an extra level of safety and precision when lifting. Machines typically focus on specific muscle groups, allowing you to develop strength and endurance in those areas. Weight machines are a great option for anyone just getting started with resistance training.

By combining one or more of these options, you can build an effective and comprehensive resistance training program. Be sure to always consult with a doctor and/or certified fitness professional before beginning a new exercise routine.

Improved Balance Through Resistance Training

Maintaining good balance is an important factor when it comes to having strong bones. As we age, our bones become weaker and therefore our balance starts to become compromised.

When engaging in resistance training exercises, you are strengthening your muscles and improving their capability to help stabilize the body, thus improving your balance. Having stronger muscles more capable of supporting the body will make it easier for you to remain upright and reduce the risk of falls and injuries.

Resistance training also helps strengthen the joints and connective tissues surrounding them. This further enhances balance by providing better stability and coordination. Even if you are not looking to exercise for bone health and strong bones, improved balance through resistance training is still beneficial for overall healthy living.

Nutrition For Stronger Bones

Eating a nutritious and balanced diet plays an important role in having strong bones. Calcium is a key mineral for bone health, and foods that are high in calcium include dairy products, fortified juices, dark leafy greens, salmon, nuts, and seeds. Vitamin D helps to boost the absorption of calcium, and foods such as fatty fish, eggs, and mushrooms all contain this key vitamin. Other minerals that help support strong bones are phosphorous, magnesium, and zinc.

Besides eating the right foods, it’s also important to get enough protein, as this helps maintain bone mass. Protein is found in meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, legumes, and soy-based foods. Additionally, avoiding or limiting sugary and processed foods can be beneficial, as these do not provide any nutritional benefits and can cause other health issues that contribute to poor bone health.

Benefits of Exercise For Bone Health

Exercising for strong bones carries many benefits. Physical activity stimulates bone growth, strengthens existing bone matter, and prevents the loss of bone mass that comes with age. When combined with a healthy diet, exercise can help to have both an immediate and long-term impact on maintaining strong bones. Some key benefits of exercise for bone health include:

  • Increased Bone Density: Exercise helps to stimulate the production of new bone cells, which leads to increased bone density. This is especially important for those who are at risk for developing osteoporosis.
  • Improved Balance: Improved balance means less falls and injuries. As we age, our balance can become more difficult and this can lead to dangerous falls. Exercise helps to improve balance and coordination, which in turn helps to protect against falls and potential fractures.
  • Enhanced Mobility: Regular exercise has also been linked to improved mobility, as it helps to strengthen muscles, joints, and other tissues that support bones. Exercise keeps bones strong while also increasing flexibility that will allow us to perform daily activities and sports with fewer aches and pains.

Putting Together A Workout Plan

It’s important to create a comprehensive and healthy workout plan that includes both weight-bearing and resistance exercises. This combination will help you to get the most out of your exercise sessions while also focusing on strengthening your bones.

When creating a workout plan, it’s important to consider your current fitness level. Begin with the types of exercises that are appropriate for your current level. Then, as you progress, gradually add different types of exercises or increase the intensity of your workouts.

For a comprehensive plan, weight-bearing exercises should be done 2-3 times per week. These can include aerobic activities like walking, running, or cycling. Also, consider adding some strength training exercises into the mix. These can be done at home or in a gym using a variety of equipment.

Resistance training should also be done 2-3 times per week. To do this, you can use machines, free weights, resistance bands, or even body weight exercises. Whatever type of exercise you choose, make sure to focus on proper form and technique.

Creating a simple yet effective routine is key when putting together a workout plan. By using a combination of weight-bearing and resistance exercises, you’ll be able to achieve a holistic approach to bone health that will help build and maintain stronger bones.


Having strong bones is an essential part of leading a healthy life. Regular exercise that targets the bones, such as weight-bearing and resistance training, can help boost bone health. Weight-bearing exercise can help strengthen and maintain bones, while resistance training can help improve muscular strength and balance, allowing for better support to the skeletal system. It’s important to remember that in order to reap the full benefits of exercise for stronger bones, it is necessary to ensure proper nutrition, adequate rest, and fluid intake to provide the body with the energy it needs to power through each workout.

This guide discussed the importance of exercise for strong bones, as well as the various types of weight-bearing and resistance exercises designed to target bone health. It also outlined sample programs incorporating both forms of exercise, as well as key nutritional points to keep in mind in order to ensure strong bones. By combining these exercises and considering the nutritional aspects, individuals can create a comprehensive and effective plan to promote bone health and maintain strong bones.

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